Just Stop!

Shannon Knight
3 min readOct 14, 2019


Shannon Knight

October 14 at 8:39 PM ·
Just please stop eating the boobies for awareness. Is there any dignity left, ladies? What are we saying as we gobble up and eat away at the breast treats? You don’t see the men doing this with prostate or testicular cancer, and I know we never will. It really boils doing to dignity, grace, and self-respect.

There is such a thing as going too far. I am a breast cancer survivor, and the very first thing I went through was a bilateral mastectomy in October 2006
I have finally found the courage to post this and say, “Just stop!” Someone has to say it. I know if anyone posted any of these pictures that many people would be affected by it. The shock factor of breasts created in cakes and cookies is not what is creating the awareness that we need a cure. I know people have the best of intentions and are having fun doing all this, which is what kept me from speaking up about it year after year. I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings, but something had to give, and so here it is: I would rather get criticized by the people who are doing it and post the inconvenient truth to help all who are hurt by it.

Breast cancer is serious, and you don’t eat something that is representing a body part that has been cut off of so many women. Men get breast cancer too, but women’s breasts are the target for making it “fun.”
I understand if you’re not comfortable sharing this post because it was uncomfortable for me to finally say, stop! I knew I had to start creating additional awareness.

If you’ve created these treats in the past, I am not trying to shame you. You meant well, and I recognize the desire to keep it lighthearted because breast cancer is a delicate topic. I am not the only one who is sensitive and has been affected psychologically. The pain of what women have already gone through getting the diagnosis after a mammogram is enough. That alone is only the beginning. We have compromised too much of our own self-respect and dignity by not stopping it. It makes a joke out of something that is serious. We don’t joke about any other illnesses. This is the one — cancer of the breasts.

There are pizzas, hamburgers, cake pops… Businesses think they are doing a good thing, but they haven’t really thought it through. We don’t need a bakery or grocery store to demonstrate breast cancer awareness with food. We all know it goes beyond what I posted here. Photos of T-shirts At WalMart, you can purchase for 15.95 that kids can see too.

“Saving the hooters,” “saving the ta-tas,” “coppa feel,” “save the motorboating” (I had to look up the meaning of that one!). Those who take part in these campaigns are, in all likelihood, only trying to help, but these campaigns trivialize the seriousness of breast as well as the women who suffer from it.

All the t-shirt slogans and crazy food that’s made in the shape of breasts — it’s just making fun of breasts; it objectifies them and minimizes the pain of a serious disease. Making fun or light of it does nothing to increase awareness; on the contrary, it desensitizes the public somewhat. It has gone overboard. We are all aware.



Shannon Knight

Author, speaker and cancer advocate. She is also a certified life coach who has assists survivors who struggle with the emotional issues connected to cancer